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Patient Stories

跟随UCSF患者的个人旅程,他们克服了严重而复杂的健康挑战, including brain tumors, cancers, amputations, seizures and more. Find out what they learned along the way, 以及尖端的护理和治疗如何帮助他们恢复健康,恢复生活中他们最喜欢的东西.

"Symphony" of Care Saves Patient After Heart Attack

约翰·卡罗尔(John Carroll)三次心脏病发作后完全康复,多亏了急诊十大赌博平台排行榜组成的协调护理团队, interventional cardiologists and other providers at UCSF Health.

49ers Coach With Aggressive Myeloma Gets New Treatment at UCSF


A Gentler Approach to Heart Valve Replacement

一项开创性的微创手术使这名先天性心脏缺陷的患者避免了另一次心脏直视手术的创伤. Here's his story.

A Rare 18-Person Kidney Transplant Chain

这可能是一个城市里最长的肾脏移植链只用了36小时, nine people donated and nine got new kidneys. How does it work? Find out.

A Story of Two Transplants


A Surprising Treatment for Urinary Incontinence: Botox Shots

MS robbed Susan of control over many things, including her bladder. 了解肉毒杆菌注射如何解决她的尿失禁,恢复对她生活的控制感.

A Transplant First! Patient Donates His Own Elbow to Himself

看看一名男子在车祸中失去双臂后如何恢复右臂的功能, thanks to a ground-breaking transplant.



Actress Hits Her Head – Doctors Discover a Brain Tumor

故事是这样的:一位女演员从吊床上摔下来,核磁共振成像显示出一个肿瘤, a UCSF brain-mapping technique and a special surgeon "saved" her brain.

After Islet Cell Transplant: Meeting the Donor's Family

移植接受者迈克尔给捐赠者家人的感谢信揭示了一系列的巧合,并引发了深刻的联系. Here's the story.

An Organ Donor's Story: So Fulfilling, He Did it Twice

杰森·麦克卢尼(Jason McCluney)通过向两个完全陌生的人捐赠肾脏和部分肝脏,两次送出了生命的礼物.

At Age 19, She Needed a Lung Transplant

一种罕见的肺部疾病给原本健康的大学生克莱尔上了一堂人生速成课. Read her story of a tough rehab and recovery.

Back From the Brink After a Lung Transplant

拉塞尔每周教12节健身课,后来一场肺病让他进入了等待新肺移植的名单. Find out how his story unfolded.

Bariatric Surgery Saved This "Ticking Time Bomb"

一则电视广告说服了一位体重311磅的专业厨师——他仍然在烹饪和享受美食——来处理他的肥胖问题,把体重减到180磅. Here's his story.

Bouncing Back From Colon Cancer

Lata Mohan, an active grandmother, ignored her symptoms at first. 阅读她寻找十大赌博平台排行榜和她的手术,恢复和恢复正常生活的故事.

Cancer Free After a Second Opinion at UCSF

迈克尔·拉克斯被诊断出患有一种罕见的癌症,他对未来几乎没有希望. 在这里,他解释了来到加州大学旧金山分校寻求第二意见如何改变了一切.

College basketball player rebounds after brain tumor surgery

Read a young man's story of coping with a brain tumor, from his collapse on the basketball court to diagnosis, surgery and how he stays emotionally strong.

Coping With Breast Cancer That Spans Three Generations

Her mother and grandmother died of breast cancer. 莎拉·莫尔斯(Sarah Morse)在59岁时被诊断出患有癌症,她发誓,如果能活下来,她会帮助别人. Here's her story.

Customized Brain Surgery Saved Her Acting Career

多年来,医学专家无法解释的癫痫发作阻止了这位雄心勃勃的L.A. actress – until UCSF doctors solved the mystery.

Fighting a Rare Form of Leukemia


Fighting Breast Cancer Together, Family Style


Focused Ultrasound Calms Decades-Long Hand Tremor


Hard Choices: Dialysis? Or a Kidney Transplant?

Fading energy was the first sign of Sheila's failing kidneys. 看看她的透析故事,然后是一个看起来像移植梦之队的故事——但事实并非如此.

Health and Motherhood After Ovarian Cancer

Find out how a combo of medical technology, determination and good luck enabled Gina Danford to survive cancer, launch a business and become a mom.

Heart Condition Care: AFib Patient Gets Her Life Back

Discover how medications, surgery, and a 24-hour UCSF call number eased Kathi Sigona's anxiety, controlled her arrhythmia and let her work and travel again.

Help for a Baseball Reporter Who Loses Her Voice

For SF Giants sideline reporter "Amy G," talking is part of the job. 看看加州大学旧金山分校的十大赌博平台排行榜是如何帮助她恢复声音并保持它的健康,这样她就可以工作了.

Her Twins Faced a Life-Threatening Syndrome in Utero

看看激光手术是如何治疗致命的双胞胎输血综合症的,这种综合症威胁着这位母亲未出生的儿子, and how they fared after birth.

Life After Tongue Cancer and Removal

Kate was diagnosed with stage III tongue cancer in her early 30s. 看看她是如何找到合适的外科十大赌博平台排行榜和处理康复的,以及接下来发生了什么.

Live Donor Liver Transplant for Mom of Two

当积极的化疗不起作用时,活体捐赠者是她最后的希望. 看看她是如何找到一个愿意捐献的人,肝脏再生的奇迹等等.

Miguel Castellanos: A Story of Hope After a Double Amputation

不到一年前,一场事故导致米格尔·卡斯特利亚诺斯双腿截肢, UCSF specialists had him walking on prosthetic legs. 他说,这些挑战让他的身体变得更强壮,也更有同情心.

Mother of Two Calls Weight-Loss Surgery a "Miracle"

By age 58, Sandy weighed 340 pounds. 了解她如何在减肥手术后适应她的新体重——155磅——以及她对其他人的建议.

New Dad With Multiple Myeloma Tries Clinical Trial

Would Jimmy live to see his infant daughter grow up? 化疗和骨髓移植的临床试验似乎是他最好的机会. Get the story.

Overcoming Incontinence Gave This Mom Her Life Back


Overcoming Ovarian Cancer

一位长期接受葡萄柚大小卵巢肿瘤治疗的幸存者分享了她的故事, including practical tips and advice for others with cancer.

Pancreatic Cancer: A Survivor's Story


Quitting Smoking After 20 Years, While Pregnant



Rebooting Kimberly's Brain

当金伯利突然开始癫痫发作——每天多达70次——她担心自己疯了. Learn how she became nearly seizure-free.

Risky Brain Surgery Was Her Only Hope

埃里卡尝试了一种观望的方法,最终在患动脉瘤后进入了加州大学旧金山分校. 了解“活昏迷”和艰苦的康复是如何帮助她100%恢复的.

Transformation: Bariatric Surgery at Age 22

让我们来了解一下为什么一位年轻女子决定进行减肥手术,以及手术如何彻底改变了她的饮食习惯, her eating habits and her entire life.

Two Weeks After Stroke and Back on His Bike

有房颤病史的病人中风后完全康复, thanks to an embolectomy and UCSF's comprehensive care.


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